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Student Organisation of Linguistics


Statutes of the Student Association for Linguistics (FLING)

§1 Name and Seat

Under the name FLING - Student association of comparative linguistics of the University of Zurich, an association exists in the sense of Article 60ff. of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB). It has its seat at the Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution (ISLE) of the University of Zurich.

§2 Purpose

The purpose of the student association (FLING) is as follows:

- It deals with problems and concerns of students of Comparative Linguistics, and Evolutionary Language Science in their major or minor, and of the Monomaster Linguistics, and takes care of their official representation to the outside world.

- It is the contact point to which all students of the above-mentioned subjects, as well as all members of the Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution, can address themselves.

- It promotes the cohesion and the contact among the students, and it is particularly concerned with the contact with the students at the beginning of their studies.

- It strives to maintain contact with all other professional associations at the University of Zurich.

- It aims to promote discussion of scientific-social problems.

- Sustainability should be a central issue, if circumstances allow, and should be taken into account by the Board in activities.

§3 Membership

Membership is divided into active and passive members. Passive members have no voting rights, but are equal to active members in all other respects.

§3.1 Requirements

The following can become active members of the association:

- Students enrolled at the University of Zurich with a major, minor or doctoral degree in comparative linguistics, evolutionary language science, the mono master or the doctoral subject Linguistics.

- Assistants at the Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution of the University of Zurich.

The following can become passive members of the association:

- Former active members of the Student Association

§3.2 Admission

Admission is possible at any time, provided the above conditions are met.

§3.3 Resignation

Resignation is possible after prior notice at the end of the semester.

§3.4 Expulsion

Membership expires when the requirements according to §3.1 are no longer met.

§4 Organization

§4.1 Organs

The organs of the association are:

- The general meeting

- The Board of Directors

§4.2 Assembly of the association

a.  The Assembly of the Association is the supreme body of the Association.

b.  An ordinary general assembly of the association takes place once a year.

c.  The General Assembly of the Association shall determine the basic principles of the Association's activities, elect the Board of Directors and other delegates not elected by the Conference of Professional Associations (§4.4), approve the annual accounts and set the membership fees.

d.  Each member has the right to request the inclusion of a motion on the agenda. The General assembly shall decide on the inclusion of a motion at the beginning of the meeting. An extraordinary meeting of the Association may be convened at the request of the Board or if one fifth of all members so request. The announcement of the general meeting has to be made at least 14 days in advance. If the notice period is shorter, resolutions shall also be valid if no objection is raised within one month.

e.  The association meeting has a quorum regardless of the number of members attending it.

f.    The Association Assembly shall pass resolutions by a simple majority of the voting members. In the event of a tie, the chairperson shall have the right and duty to cast the deciding vote. In this case, elections shall be decided by drawing lots.

g.  Voting and elections shall be open unless a quarter of the voting members present request a secret ballot. Voting by proxy is excluded.

§4.3 Board of Directors

a.  The board consists of a president, co-president, treasurer, secretary, UZHGYM contact person, web site administrator, mail administrator, delegates and one or more deputy chairpersons as needed. In the event that two candidates cannot be found for the Copresidency, there shall be a single presidency instead of a Copresidency.

b.  The individual members of the Board shall be elected by the Ordinary General Meeting of the Association for a term of one year (until the end of the next Ordinary General assembly of the Association) and shall be eligible for re-election.

c.  The Board shall constitute a quorum when at least half of its members are present. It shall pass resolutions by a simple majority of the voting members. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson shall have the right and duty to cast the deciding vote.

d.  It is the executive body of the Association and represents it to the Institute and University management.

e.  If vacancies occur in the Board of Directors during the term of office, the Board shall be entitled to elect a replacement on its own initiative with validity until the next Association meeting.

f. The Board should have at least two members from each subject (Bachelor, Evolutionary Language Science, Monomaster).

§4.4 Student Association Conference

The Fachverein is a member of the Fachvereinskonferenz, which elects non-subject-specific commissions and committees in accordance with its Organizational Regulations (OReF MNF).

§5 Amendments to the Statutes

These Statutes may be amended at any time by a General Meeting of the Association, provided that two-thirds of the voting members present agree to the amendment.

§6 Finances

The Association is financed by annual membership fees, contributions by the University of Zurich, other organizations and voluntary donations. The amount of the annual contributions shall be approved by the Association Assembly on the proposal of the Board.

§7 Liability

The Association is liable only for its assets. Members are not personally liable for the Association's debts.

§8 Dissolution

The dissolution of the association can only be decided in an association meeting with the majority specified in §5. The Association Assembly shall decide on the use of the Association's assets remaining after the dissolution of the Association's liabilities. If possible, the assets are to be transferred to another institution with the same or similar objectives.

§9 Final Provisions

These statutes were approved on the 7th of October 2021 by the association assembly. They come into force in their present form when they are approved by the Rectorate in accordance with §37 para. 2 RSA.